Children in a local school in Accra, Ghana, supported by SOS Villages d'Enfants; Credit: Alea Horst

Luxembourg non-profit organisation SOS Villages d'Enfants Monde recently published its annual report for 2021.

After two years marked by the COVID-19 crisis, the Board of Directors and members of SOS Villages d'Enfants Monde were finally able to meet face-to-face for their General Assembly on 31 May 2022. During this meeting, they presented the 2021 annual report and the accounts audited and approved by the independent auditor Horus Audit & Associés Sàrl.

In 2021, SOS Villages d'Enfants Monde raised €5,692,577 in public and private funds – an increase of 10% in private funds compared to 2020. This sum includes the contributions of Luxembourg's Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs (€1.71 million in funds under management), municipalities and foundations, sponsors (€1.55 million) through 4,009 sponsorships (children and SOS Villages in 103 countries), donors and private partners, as well as legacies and inheritances.

The non-profit has been able to count on the generosity of 205 companies, 36 organisations, 25 public institutions and four foundations. It has thus been able to finance 27 projects in sixteen countries to support 18,000 children and adolescents, 3,500 families and over 15,000 people working actively for child protection.