The British Chamber of Commerce is holding an event on Tuesday 5 March 2024 at 18:00 at the headquarters of BIL (69 route d'Esch, L-2953 Luxembourg-Hollerich), organised by the chamber's financial Services Group.
Jean-Marc Goy, Chairperson of the Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry (ALFI), will be key note speaker at an exclusive, members-only event.
He will highlight the current state of play in Luxembourg, the keys to promoting Luxembourg as a financial centre, and will touch on those hot topics at the top of our minds: ELTIFs, non-UCITs, and cross-border distribution of funds, amongst others.
This will be followed by a lively panel discussion with Antonio Thomas (Artas Advisory), Antonis Anastasiou (Alter Domus), Oliver Benner (BIL Asset Services) and Vanessa Roger Grüneklee (Schroder Investment Management).
The evening will conclude with an opportunity to network and discuss over a drink and some food.
The cost of attending this event is: BCC Members, FREE and Non-Members, €40.
For registration and further information, see https://www.bcc.lu/events/upcoming-events/?civiwp=CiviCRM&q=civicrm/event/info&reset=1&id=342