Chronicle.lu recently had the opportunity to speak with Andrew Notter about his new role as Chair of the British Chamber of Commerce for Luxembourg (BCC), which celebrated its 30th anniversary last year.
At the end of May 2023, the BCC announced that Andrew Notter would succeed Daniel Eischen as Chair. One month later, on 13 June 2023, the chamber unveiled its new Council, headed by Andrew, at its 32nd annual general meeting (AGM).
Chronicle.lu: Please tell us a bit about yourself and your previous involvement in the BCC.
Andrew Notter: I am a British national, have lived in Luxembourg since 2008, have two children who were both born in Luxembourg and I am also a Founding Partner at Anderson Wise. I have been attending BCC events since 2008 and involved with the Council since 2016, Vice Chair for the last four years and Chair since May 2023. I have also been part of the People and Leadership sub-group since 2016, helping to organise quarterly events each year and also responsible for the membership development group.
Chronicle.lu: What are your and the new BCC Council's current priorities? In what direction do you hope to take the BCC going forward?
Andrew Notter: The current priorities of the BCC in Luxembourg are focussed on delivering exceptional networking opportunities to the English-speaking international community. We organise highly engaging business events that offer valuable learning and networking prospects, at the same time also providing excellent social events for members and their families. We hosted a highly successful cricket gathering in July, with over 300 participants, including numerous families. The BCC hosted 22 events during the last year with over 1,200 people attending.
The priorities for the BCC are to continue building our extensive membership base and provide our members with great events, benefits, opportunities to network and showcase/profile their business. We recently launched two further categories for Start-Ups and Young BCC (under 30) membership categories, attracting new and different members to the chamber.
We offer an extensive network of like-minded individuals and companies who share a common goal: to drive business excellence and create lasting partnerships. Whether you are an established enterprise, an aspiring entrepreneur or a professional seeking valuable connections, we are here to support every step of the way.
Chronicle.lu: How do upcoming events fit into your vision/strategy?
Andrew Notter: We have seven events already planned from September to December! These include a sustainability event “Building The Best Businesses: connecting work culture and sustainable business” [in September]. In October, we have our annual BCC Leadership Forum 2023 - "AI in business: a Threat or Opportunity?" In November, we have Brits, Bites and Banter (a great fun social network for members) and finish the year with the very known and hugely successful BCC Christmas lunch!
The overarching vision of the BCC is to perpetuate our commitment to delivering significant value to our members. This commitment is reflected in our dedication to curate exclusive, cutting-edge and insightful events that span the entirety of the year. By doing so, we aim to foster robust and enduring personal and business connections within the business community of Luxembourg.
Chronicle.lu: What can you tell us about the BCC's recently launched campaign "Where Business Belongs"? What has been some of the initial feedback?
Andrew Notter: The global BCC campaign “Where Business Belongs” is driving the chamber’s three-year plan, ensuring the BCC is at the forefront of the debate about the future of business, providing brilliant networking opportunities and dialogue between businesses. We have already engaged with some of the CEOs from our sustaining members who showcased their business through social media channels and answered questions around business trends, why they are BCC members and the best business advice that they have received. Initial feedback has been great!
Chronicle.lu: What else can BCC members (and non-members) expect in the near future?
Andrew Notter: Even more events than in 2022/2023!