The British Chamber of Commerce in Luxembourg (BCC) has announced that it is organising a Member's New Year Cocktail at Luxembourg's Chamber of Commerce (7 Rue Alcide de Gasperi, L-1615) on Friday 28 January 2022, from 18:00 to 21:30.
2022 will be a special year for the BCC, which is celebrating its 30th anniversary. This New Year Cocktail will kick off the celebrations.
Due to limited places the number of attendees at this event is restricted to two per Sustaining member and one per Business / Individual member. Spouses are not invited to attend on this occasion.
This event will take place under the CovidCheck 2G regime and attendees must present either a valid vaccination or recovery certificate.
Responses must be received before 24 January 2022.
Further information, including registration details, is available at: https://www.bcc.lu/events/upcoming-events/?civiwp=CiviCRM&q=civicrm/event/info&reset=1&id=284.