Credit: © SIP / Claude Piscitelli

On Thursday 20 June 2024, Stéphanie Obertin, Luxembourg’s Minister for Digitalisation, presented the "2024 Digital Inclusion Award" which rewards the winners of the 2024 edition of the call for projects for the digital inclusion of all citizens of the Ministry for Digitalisation.

The call for projects was aimed at associations, private organisations, public institutions, municipalities, inter-municipal unions, professional chambers, training centres and public research institutes that are committed to digital inclusion in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. The projects submitted had to fall within the scope of at least one of the three strategic levers defined in the National Action Plan for Digital Inclusion.

This year, the call for projects generated considerable interest, with the number of applications submitted increasing from thirteen in 2023 to 32 in 2024, the ministry noted.

Following the deliberation of a jury composed of representatives from different ministries, five project leaders were selected for funding for their project:

Bénévol@ (Astrolábio – House of Portugal ASBL)

The “Bénévol@” project aims to improve the digital skills of volunteers in associations, with a focus on the efficient and secure use of digital tools. The project seeks to reduce redundant administrative tasks within associations, allowing them to focus more on their core missions.

Digi for all – Coproduction toolkit (Fondation APEMH)

The project aims to develop a “Digi for All CoProduction Toolkit” which will aim to identify digital tools accessible to people with intellectual disabilities (PHI), allowing them to create content that suits them, to propose methodological guidelines, to develop the digital skills of PHI and to develop an application dedicated to their quality of life.

Safe and Savvy: Equipping senior citizens with AI literacy & skills (Luxembourg Tech School ASBL)

The project aims to offer educational workshops for seniors to train them in using and understanding artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. The workshops will take place in several sessions and aim to improve the digital literacy of participants, raise their awareness of the risks and benefits of AI, and promote responsible use of these technologies.

Facilitating the digital and social inclusion of users of the Walferdange social office (Office social Walferdange)

The project aims to improve the digital inclusion of clients of the Walferdange social office, particularly those who are far from digital tools and processes. It focuses on access to digital resources, training in basic digital skills and promoting autonomy in online administrative procedures through group workshops and individual coaching. The project targets vulnerable populations to help them engage more actively in society and reduce their dependence on social services.

Towards the eradication of digital barriers for a digitally inclusive society: information, support, help and support (Rambrouch Digital Assistance ASBL)

This project aims to reduce digital illiteracy among vulnerable populations, particularly the elderly and disabled, by improving their digital skills. Activities include training on basic skills, adapting technologies to make them accessible and follow-up workshops to assess progress.

The project presentation videos are available on the Ministry of Digitalisation’s YouTube channel and on