Credit: MECO

On Monday 13 May 2024, Luxembourg’s Minister for Tourism and Minister of Culture, Eric Thill, officially presented the “EureWelcome” plaques.

This label, awarded by Luxembourg’s Ministry of the Economy in collaboration national information and meeting centre for people with disabilities, Info-Handicap, is awarded to tourist establishments or events in recognition of their efforts in terms of accessibility and hospitality. 

This approach is based on the concept of “Design for all”, aiming to meet the needs of all visitors, including those with disabilities, the elderly and families with children.

During the ceremony, Minister Thill officially presented the “EureWelcome” plaques to the sixteen establishments that have successfully met the criteria for the label:

  • Hotel Cottage Dudelange;
  • Residhome Luxembourg Esch-Belval;
  • Rodange station;
  • Gîte Minett Trail Bieles/Beiweng;
  • Drauffelt station;
  • Michelau station;
  • Villa Franzen;
  • Mersch Station;
  • Roodt/Syre station;
  • Kleinbettingen station;
  • European Convention Center Luxembourg (ECCL);
  • LuxExpo The Box;
  • Grand-Duc Jean Museum of Modern Art (MUDAM);
  • Octave market 2023 & 2024;
  • Schueberfouer 2023;
  • Winterlights 2023.

201 accommodation facilities, cultural sites and museums, railway stations and events currently hold the "EureWelcome" label. The labelled establishments are also listed on the website

During his speech, Minister Thill stated that “the 'EureWelcome' label is not only synonymous with accessible infrastructure, but also with the desire to welcome every tourist, resident and border in the best possible conditions. This label is based on the 'Design for all' approach, which constitutes an integral part of the tourism strategy of the Ministry of the Economy. Our objective is to allow as many people as possible to access our tourist offer. The 'EureWelcome' label plays a key role in this context, since the labelled infrastructures undertake to expand their service in terms of accessibility and hospitality. It is important to me to congratulate the players in the Luxembourg tourism sector for their inclusive approach and to encourage them to continue on this path.”