PLQE 2021 Winners; Credit: MLQE

On Thursday 25 November 2021, three companies received prizes at this year's Luxembourg Quality and Excellence Awards (Prix Luxembourgeois de la Qualité et de l’Excellence - PLQE).

The awards ceremony took place at the Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in front of an audience of more than 130 guests.

Organised by the MLQE (Mouvement luxembourgeois pour la Qualité et l'Excellence), the Luxembourg Quality and Excellence Awards are a pledge of confidence in the winners as well as recognition of their performance. 

Due to an unprecedented situation linked to the COVID-19 pandemic, the past two years have been particularly difficult for companies. Despite everything, many companies from all sectors took part in this unique approach, which allows each structure to highlight its management, organisation, know-how and practices by measuring itself against a proven benchmark and a professional assessment process.

After the welcome speech from Marc Wagener, COO and Director of Training at the Chamber of Commerce, and the introduction by Caroline Hindahl-Rios, President of MLQE, presenter Camille Ney hosted the evening alongside Sullivan Thomas, Secretary General of MLQE.

The 2021 laureates represent only a part of the candidates of the last two years, with the applications extending until 2022 for some due to the context. The assembly therefore congratulated the candidates who started the process of competing for the prizes during this period and brought it to a conclusion.

The different prizes were announced in the form of introductory videos of each winner. The winners were determined based on an evaluation process allowing an organisation to be assessed in its management and operational activities from its strategy, vision and values ​​to the results it obtains and with a view to continuous improvement.

The winners of this 2021 edition were:

  • Agence eSanté - Luxembourg Gold Quality Prize
  • Cocottes - Luxembourg Bronze Quality Prize
  • Centre Äddi·C - Luxembourg Bronze Quality Prize

The main mission of the economic interest group Agence eSanté is to ensure better use of information in the health and medico-social sector in order to ensure better coordinated patient care. At the end of the evaluation process, the agency was able to demonstrate that it has become a major player in its sector over the years and through challenges it has faced. Agence eSanté received an award for showing an enlightened vision, turned towards innovation by creating a participatory dynamic with its staff and mastered processes throughout its operations.

Cocottes offers homemade hot and cold dishes, pastries and desserts based on local and seasonal products, which are distributed through a vast network of on-site or take-away food shops. The evaluation team noted the establishment of an organisation built on a vision, positive and inspiring values ​​and the contagious voluntarism of its leadership. A benchmark in the “ready-to-eat” sector, Cocottes received an award for its passion, shared within the company, for eating well, the quality of the products used and the attention paid to customers at every stage.

The activities of Centre Äddi·C consist in providing care mainly focused on addiction and abuse linked to alcohol, drugs or any other addiction not linked to a substance, as part of a rehabilitation process. The centre is made up of a multidisciplinary team that works daily to reduce disorders and deficits and improve social functioning and well-being. The evaluation team noticed a clear strategic vision, also based on synergies at the international level. Centre Äddi·C received an award for its commitment to a societal issue, implemented by a team invested in a vocationally oriented way to align management and activities.

In 2022, the benchmark will undergo a major cyclical review. The fundamental idea will remain the same and relevant elements will feed into what the organisers deemed a necessary update. The following aspects will be reviewed: the integration of current and future issues and trends; the application journey; the evaluation journey.

The call for applications has already been launched for the 2022 edition of the Luxembourg Quality and Excellence Awards as well as the Student Award (Prix Etudiant). Further information is available at: