
The Grand Ducal Police have reported that they made three arrests in connection with domestic violence over the weekend.

On the evening of Friday 6 September 2024, the police were informed of a case of domestic violence in Luxembourg-Kirchberg involving violence and threats between a man, his partner and his son. The man was arrested by order of the public prosecutor's office and brought before the examining magistrate on the morning of Saturday 7 September 2024.

A separate case of domestic violence was reported in Differdange on Friday evening. In this case, a man allegedly beat his partner. Police officers intervened and found both individuals. The public prosecutor's office ordered the man's expulsion and arrest.

On Saturday morning, the police were informed of another case of domestic violence in Sanem, in which a man had allegedly become physically violent towards his partner. The officers found both people, and the public prosecutor's office ordered the man's expulsion and arrest.