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The Grand Ducal Police have reported several break-ins across Luxembourg in recent days.

Most recently, on the evening of Saturday 27 July 2024, police apprehended a suspected burglar in Luxembourg-Merl. Shortly after 23:00 on Saturday, a "suspicious" individual was reported to have visited several apartment buildings on Route de Longwy. A police patrol was able to locate the suspect in the basement of a residential complex shortly after. The suspect attacked the police officers and had to be immobilised. The police said the suspect defended himself "violently", injuring the two officers, but was finally taken to the station.

Further investigations revealed that the person had been reported to the police several times. The public prosecutor's office was informed of the incident and ordered the man's arrest. He was brought before the investigating judge on the morning of Sunday 28 July 2024.

Similarly, on the evening of Friday 26 July 2024, a caller reported a break-in in Altrier, during which the burglars gained access to a house via the patio door. The resident was unable to find the suspect(s) at the time of reporting the incident. Shortly after, another caller who was driving through Altrier reported to 113 that he recognised people who had been identified in a private Facebook post as suspected burglars in a break-in in eastern Luxembourg. Investigations were immediately launched.

The police later stopped a vehicle near Waldhof, the occupants of which matched the description of the suspected burglars. The perpetrators were arrested on the orders of the public prosecutor's office.

In the past couple of weeks, the police have identified several other (attempted) break-ins. They warned of a sticky tape trick used by burglars to determine if someone has entered or left the building (particularly in apartments). Anyone who finds such adhesive tape on their doors is advised to report this immediately to the emergency number 113.

With people travelling over summer, (attempted) break-ins may be more likely. The Grand Ducal Police have advised that, before going on holiday, people close their windows and doors securely, lock their garage and cellar doors, activate their alarm system and tell their neighbours of their planned absence so they can look out for any suspicious activity.

Holiday-goers can also register with the police's free "Going on holiday" service. Officers will then include the unoccupied home in their crime prevention patrols as part of general monitoring. To register, visit: