(L-R) Joke Van der Stricht, Director of Schrassig Prison; Elisabeth Margue, Luxembourg's Minister of Justice; Credit: MJ

Luxembourg's Ministry of Justice has reported that Minister Elisabeth Margue visited the Centre Pénitentiaire de Luxembourg (CPL), also known as Schrassig Prison.

In the presence of the Director of the Prison Administration, Serge Legil, the Deputy Director of the Prison Administration, Caroline Lieffrig, CPL Director Joke Van der Stricht and CFL Deputy Director Paul Poeker, a delegation from the Ministry of Justice had the opportunity to visit the premises of the prison which currently houses 280 detainees, including 256 condemned men and 24 women (including accused women).

Joke Van der Stricht presented the specific characteristics as well as the future restructuring projects of the CPL. Following the transfer of accused men to the Centre Pénitentiaire d'Uerschterhaff (Uerschterhaff Prison), operational since the end of 2022, the CPL has been able to concentrate its resources on the improvement of detention and initiation conditions as well as the implementation of various renovation projects.

After the presentation, the Justice Ministry delegation followed a visit to the central parts of the prison. The visit began in the areas dedicated to visits, including the visiting room and the rooms for out-of-monitoring visits, men's detention sections as well as the women's detention section, workshops, geriatrics and the fitness room.

The ministry noted that this visit is part of a series of visits that the Minister of Justice will undertake in all penitentiary centres in Luxembourg.