(L-R) Marlène Negrini, SNPGL; Léon Gloden, Luxembourg's Minister for Home Affairs; Michel Mangen, ADESP; Credit: MAINT

On Friday 14 June 2024, Luxembourg's Minister for Home Affairs, Léon Gloden, presented an overview of the reclassification of C1 police officers who had been recruited with a secondary school diploma before the 2018 reform.

Luxembourg's Ministry of Home Affairs recalled that the related reclassification proposal introduced by the minister was approved by the Government Council (Cabinet) on 5 June 2024.

The ministry added that the reclassification is the implementation of a measure provided for by the coalition agreement, the objective of which is notably to respect recent judgments of the Constitutional Court and the Administrative Court concerning career levels B1 and C1. The reclassification measure covers police officers in treatment group C1 who had their final appointment on 1 August 2018 and who at that time held a secondary school diploma or a recognised equivalent diploma. These police officers were classified in the C1 treatment group in the absence of a B1 career level in the police force until the reform.

The reclassification measure provides that police officers meeting the eligibility conditions are integrated into the higher treatment group B1 with effect from 1 August 2018. They are appointed to the grade which corresponds to their length of service acquired since their first appointment in the initial treatment group.

"Thanks to this measure, the police officers concerned will see their diploma valued," stated Minister Gloden. "This is a real improvement." The minister also noted the direct retroactive access to treatment group B1 for the members of the police force concerned - they do not have to take additional tests. There is no quota limit and financial compensation will be provided where appropriate, i.e. when the remuneration after the reclassification is lower than before.

Also on Friday, the Directorate of Defence confirmed that soldiers in treatment group C1, who held a secondary school diploma before the entry into force of the law of 7 August 2023 on the organisation of the army, will be able to benefit from reclassification into treatment group B1. The Government Council agreed in principle to this measure on 5 June and the professional army associations concerned were informed of it. The Defence Directorate will develop a draft bill in the coming weeks to implement this measure.