On Friday 16 February 2024, the Grand Ducal Police confirmed that they had made two arrests in connection with burglaries in Brouch and Luxembourg-Weimerskirch.

On Friday around noon, a break-in was reported in a house on Route d'Arlon in Brouch. The alleged perpetrator was arrested on the spot. Another suspect managed to flee the scene in a vehicle. An immediate search was performed, but the police were unable to locate the second suspect.

The suspect was arrested on the orders of the public prosecutor and presented the next day before an investigating judge. The stolen property and burglary tools were confiscated and further investigation was launched.

Other break-ins or attempted break-ins were reported to the police in Luxembourg-Weimerskirch and in Garnich on the same day.

On Friday afternoon, at around 16:40, a man was reported to the police as he was trying to break into a garden shed in Fond St Martin in Luxembourg-Weimerskirch. A police patrol arrested the man, who was subsequently identified and a report was drawn up.

On the evening of the same day, a break-in into a detached house was reported on rue de Holzem in Garnich. The attackers entered the premises through the kitchen window, ransacked it and stole cash and jewellery. Forensic physicians were present at the scene, and additional investigations were initiated.