Inauguration group photograph featuring Luxembourg’s Minister of Mobility and Public Works, François Bausch (centre), and the Minister for Home Affairs, Taina Bofferding (centre-right), among others; Credit: CGDIS

Wednesday 20 September 2023 marked the inauguration of the new CIS fire and rescue centre in Findel (Centre d’Incendie et de Secours Findel); Luxembourg’s Minister of Mobility and Public Works, François Bausch, and the Minister for Home Affairs, Taina Bofferding, were present for the occasion.

According to the Grand Ducal Fire and Rescue Corps (Corps grand-ducal d'incendie et de secours - CGDIS), the new quarters, developed in close collaboration with lux-Airport, the operator of the Luxembourg Airport, represent an additional step in enhancing the distribution of assistance at the airport and in its surroundings.

Due to the fact that the station has an “urban side” component, firefighters from the Findel fire and rescue centre will in future be able to go on intervention in the territory of neighbouring municipalities.

This modern infrastructure, replacing an 80-year-old barracks, aims to enable airport firefighters to better cope with the increasingly demanding missions faced by emergency services today.

On the occasion of the official inauguration ceremony, Minister Bofferding welcomed the establishment of the new fire and rescue centre: “The ‘urban side’ component of the CIS contributes to achieving the main objective of the national plan for emergency organisation (PNOS), that of being able to intervene in less than fifteen minutes throughout the country. Furthermore, I am delighted that the new CIS Findel will make it possible in the future to improve the coverage of emergency services for people, particularly in the north-eastern districts of the Luxembourg City and the municipalities of Sandweiler, Niederanven and Schuttrange."

For his part, Minister Bausch stressed: “This project responds to the airport’s dynamism and the growth of airport activities which constantly require adaptation of infrastructure. The objective of this new CIS building is to offer a modern and attractive environment which will provide employees with improved working conditions. In this context, I would like to thank the agents of CIS Findel for their work and commitment over the past decades. Emergency services are always ready to intervene quickly and effectively in delicate situations.