Château de Munsbach; Credit: Otilia Dragan,

Throughout August, will be shining a spotlight on various villages across the Grand Duchy; the focus is mainly on some of the (perhaps) lesser-known villages with particular points of interest or an interesting history (e.g. cultural and/or industrial heritage).

The next article in this series is dedicated to Munsbach, a village in the municipality of Schuttrange in southern Luxembourg (Canton Luxembourg) with a population of about 750.

Munsbach (Mënsbech in Luxembourgish) is a small village home to the little rustic-Baroque style Château de Munsbach, designed by Ignaz von Biber and built in 1775, and its adjacent rose garden. The Luxembourg Rose Society (Lëtzebuerger Rousefrënn) collaborated with the municipality of Schuttrange to build this garden in 2017. The goal of this endeavor was to preserve the national rose heritage. Today, the garden has 600 old and new types of roses and is regularly maintained by the association's volunteers.

Next to the rose garden, there is a relaxing park area, with various mindfulness and active meditation activity stations for visitors, organized by the CDSE centre for social and emotional development in Luxembourg, which is headquartered at the Château de Munsbach.

There is a hiking trail starting in the castle's park, leading into the fields, followed by a steep incline to Neuhäusgen. Afterwards, it goes through the forest and through the village of Neuhäusgen. This is a varied, moderately difficult trail. It can be followed clockwise or counterclockwise.
Munsbach also offers a few restaurants (such as Seoul Grill, Uchiwa and the Restaurant-Pizerria Bivio) as well as a local bakery. A large shopping center houses Naturata and the newly opened organic restaurant Farmacy. There is a four-star hotel nearby, the Légère Hotel, and a Cat Hotel, for pet owners who want peace of mind while they go on holiday. The European online bank Advanzia Bank is headquartered in Munsbach, as well.

Local markets take place in the area, such as the “Schëtter Maart” (Schuttrange market), held every Saturday of the month on the church square in Schuttrange, in close proximity to Munsbach. This market highlights local shops and artisans, inclusive production methods and organic products (food and health products). The next market is set to take place on Saturday 12 August 2023 from 09:00 to 13:00.

“Les Paniers de Sandrine” is a Munsbach-based organic vegetable farm organising direct sales on Tuesday and Friday from 15:00 to 19:00 and every third Saturday of the month from 10:00 to 01:00. The farm started in 2012 and while its own merchandise is organic, in order to expand its offer, it works with other local producers whose merchandise may not all be organic. Honey, milk and meat products, pasta and soaps are also available. The farm does not offer deliveries, but also has "traditional" baskets that can be picked up at the farm on Thursdays (upon registration) from 08:00 to 20:00.