On Saturday 17 December 2022, Luxembourg's Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs announced that a reception centre for refugees in Luxembourg had to be closed due to plummeting temperatures.
The ministry reported that, due to the extreme weather conditions of the previous few days, the heating capacities of the Tony Rollman centre had reached their limits. As a result, and in order to guarantee the well-being of the people who are housed there in the face of the winter cold, the National Reception Office (ONA) had to relocate the people concerned in the ONA network.
The ministry confirmed that, nonetheless, new arrivals will continue to be welcomed at the Tony Rollman first reception centre where adequate care will be provided by the supervising teams.
The Tony Rollman first reception centre in Luxembourg-Kirchberg is the initial reception structure for applicants for international protection (IPD) and beneficiaries of temporary protection (BPT) after their arrival in Luxembourg.