Henri Kox, Minister of Housing; Credit: SIP / Yves Kortum

As part of the Housing Pact 2.0, Minister of Housing, Henri Kox, will take part in the coming weeks in municipal presentations of the first housing action programmes developed by municipalities and their roles in the National Affordable Housing Strategy.

Already presented in Mondorf and Useldange, the Housing Pact 2.0 evenings are a cooperation between the Ministry of Housing and the municipalities that have signed the Housing Pact 2.0. They provide an opportunity for mayors to present to interested citizens the municipal priorities for meeting the challenges of affordable housing and local development. The commitment of the 99 municipalities that have signed the Housing Pact is the essential instrument for successfully mastering the major housing challenge. At the same time, the presence of Minister Kox makes it possible to show the close collaboration between the Ministry of Housing and the municipalities in the realisation of the National Affordable Housing Strategy.

The local housing action programme is the municipal strategy for the development of affordable housing and forms the basis for the implementation of the Housing Pact 2.0 at the municipal level. The Housing Pact is a partnership between the State and the municipalities to stimulate the supply of public, affordable and sustainable housing, focusing on three objectives:

  • Increased supply of affordable and sustainable housing
  • Mobilisation of existing land and residential potential
  • Improvement of residential quality of life

The municipalities are supported financially and through advice. Housing advisers assist municipalities in the development and implementation of the housing strategy. State financial support is aimed at carrying out projects that support the objectives of the Housing Pact and will directly depend on the number of affordable housing units created. Aid from the Housing Pact 2.0 can be invested in the acquisition of buildings and public and collective equipment projects, in the living environment and urban renovation and in resources, communications and social dynamics. The Housing Pact 2.0 has a duration of twelve years and will end in 2032.

The Housing Pact 2.0 brings about a major systemic change: in each municipality where housing is built, the density will be increased and new affordable public housing is created. Particular emphasis is placed on strengthening the quality of life in these new neighbourhoods. The Housing Pact will thus have a major impact on making housing affordable!”, emphasised Minister Kox.

The upcoming Housing Pact 2.0 evenings are:

  • 24.10.2022 – Bettembourg
  • 17.11.2022 – Differdange
  • 21.11.2022 – Sandweiler
  • 01.12.2022 – Echternach
  • 05.12.2022 – Junglinster
  • 06.12.2022 – Wiltz
  • 12.12.2022 – Strassen

Pacte Logement 2.0 evenings are public sessions. Information about the course of the evenings is available on the websites and social networks of the municipalities concerned, as well as on www.logement.lu.