Credit: Andrey Mitin

On Saturday afternoon, several hundred people gathered in Luxembourg City to once again voice their opposition to the war in Ukraine.

The protest, organised by local non-profit LUkraine asbl, saw hundreds of people march from Place de la Gare to Place d'Armes via Avenue de la Liberte, Place de la Metz, Place de Bruxelles, Boulevard Roosevelt and Rue Philippe in Luxembourg-Ville.

Protesters wore the national colours of Ukraine (blue and yellow) and waved Ukrainian, Luxembourgish, European and other flags in solidarity with the Ukrainian people. Several people also carried signs with slogans such as "Stop Putin, stop war", "Close the sky", "Peace for Ukraine" and "Mothers in Russia rise for peace".

According to other local media reports, a second protest took place at Royal Hamilius in Luxembourg-Ville on Saturday, with participants demonstrating against the war in Syria – a conflict in which Russia is also involved.