A buiding on the rue Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi in Luxembourg-Kirchberg caught fire on Monday evening when a fire in dumpsters spread.

The fire was noticed shortly before 21:00 and reported by a passenger in a bus passing by the university building, who telephoned the emergency services.

It turned out that two waste containers on the site, which were close to the side facade of a building, were on fire. The flames spread to the facade which suffered high material damage. Because of the heat, windows and shutters were badly damaged. A second burning container was pushed to safety by fire brigade officers to prevent further spread of the flames.

The fire department were able to bring the fire quickly under control. At the time of the fire, no persons were inside and nobody was injured.

In the subsequent investigation, it was discovered that someone had thrown stones through the glass window of the entrance door of the building.

As the fire fighters suspected arson, the prosecutor's office was informed and ordered a forensics examination of the crime scene.

The police have appealed for anyone with information and who may have witnessed suspicious activity outside the building of the 'Lycée technique du Centre' to contact them by tel: 4997-4500 or via the emergency number, tel: 113.

Photo by Police Grand Ducale