Credit: Wendy Winn

Luxembourg resident Wendy Winn, originally from the US and who regularly has her Happy Hour radio show on Thursday evenings on AraCityRadio, is also an avid painter; she will be holding an exhibition of some of her creations, the vernissage of which is being held on Thursday 2 May 2019 from 17:00 at CG Restaurant Lounge, Luxembourg-Kirchberg.

The warm and sensuous paintings by local artist and writer Wendy Winn will soon grace the walls of CG Lounge. Many of her paintings have an Indian theme and all of them are rich in colour and emotion. 

 Wendy Winn’s paintings will be on exhibition from 1 May to mid-June. Those interested in meeting the artist can do so from 17:00 on 2 May at the vernissage.