Organised by the non-profit organisation LEATSS a.s.b.l., the Luxembourg European Annual Theatre Summer School (LEATSS) 2019 will take place this year from Saturday 20 to Sunday 28 July 2019 inclusive, at the Clairefontaine Centre d'Accueil (near Arlon).

LEATSS is an intensive eight-day residential summer school for actors, directors and music theatre singing students revolving entirely around project work and led by professional, UK based tutors. It is particularly suited to amateur enthusiasts (and those who may be a little hesitant) who wish to develop and improve their practical skills, knowledge, understanding and capabilities.

In addition to the summer school, LEATSS traditionally offers three two-day Intensive Workshops on particular subjects, much like a master class, but still adhering to the LEATSS ethos of process before product. In 2019, these workshops will be replaced by the Unit Courses of "Project Four". These comprise a series of taught courses followed by an interactive but tutor-led project in which different strands of the work done during the early part of the week will be woven into an original whole, thus providing first-hand experience of the collaborative and intuitive nature of theatrical creation. 

During the first part of the week, four tutors will each offer a series of free-standing one-and-a-half day unit courses on various topics, from which students can choose three, one in each unit. These independent unit courses run one after another, thus allowing students to freely choose which course they would like to follow in each unit. The final two days will be dedicated to four collaborative projects, each led by one of the tutors. A fifth tutor will be present from the start, coordinating and assisting, while actively guiding the development of the collaborative projects. The dates of these workshops are to be confirmed.

All-inclusive fees:

Summer School: Residential €800; Day students €560.

Intensive Workshops: Residential €275, €500 and €700; Day student €225, €400, €700 for one, two and three workshops.

To register for the 2019 LEATSS summer school, now in its 32nd year, apply via the application form on