The New World Theatre Club (NWTC) is co-producing "CSI: Crime Scene Improvisation" on 19, 20 & 21 October 2017 at the Centre Culturel Altrimenti (5 Avenue Marie Therese, Luxembourg-ville), with performances at 19:30.
The production is a rip-roaring crime comedy made up entirely on the spot (sold out at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2016), to solve a surreal murder chosen by the audience - Who? What? How? The choice is yours; the problem is theirs. Mirth meets murder in the world's daftest whodunnit. "CSI: Crime Scene Improvisation" is an utterly unique murder mystery comedy that's different every show.
Having enjoyed sell-out runs at the Brighton, Camden and Edinburgh Fringe Festivals and fresh on the heels of success at the 2017 Edinburgh Fringe, C.S.I. will now play in Luxembourg.
Tickets cost €15 (NWTC members €12; students €10) from email: Tickets@nwtc.lu or tel: 356339