The New World Theatre Club (NWTC) is holding a Storytelling and Improvisation Workshop on Sunday 22 October from 10:00 - 17:00 at the Centre Culturel Beggen (26, rue de Rochefort, L-2431 Beggen), led by the C.S.I. (Crime Scene Improvisation) team of six who will be visit Luxembourg in October following on from the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
Steve Bond explained “In this workshop the team will work with you to introduce the principles of improvisation: a way of creating truthful, interesting scenes without the use of a script. We will focus on the techniques of storytelling and building emotional relationships that lie at the heart of our show, C.S.I.: Crime Scene Improvisation. We will seek to create a safe environment where you feel able to try things out without fear of judgement or ‘getting it wrong'. Improvisation works by removing the filters that, in everyday life, prevent you from saying or doing whatever comes into your head. In improvisation, the first thing that comes into your head is usually the right thing to say! The workshops will consist of a series of warm-ups, pair and group exercises, and eventually scenes that will build your improvisational instincts and allow you to put them to use in telling a story that has never before been told.”
This is open to all adults (16+, members and non-members, beginners to experienced) – all very welcome. There will be a one-hour break for lunch (lunch is not provided).
Places are limited and offered on a first-come, first-served basis. To secure your place please (a) Send an e mail to Rose Flammant at emil: rose@nwtc.lu; (b) Pay the subscription of €90 non-members / €80 members / €60 students, to NWTC’s IBAN account LU80 0030 0960 1115 0000 with BGL BNP Paribas (BGLLLULL) and give reference as “CSI workshop” and give your name.
Whilst in Luxembourg, the CSI team will also perform their show fresh from the 2017 Edinburgh Fringe – see www.nwtc.lu for further details!