Today, Friday 8 October 2021, the Mayor and Aldermen of the Ville de Luxembourg assisted in the annual harvesting of grapes from the vineyards of the gardens of the former Abbey of Neumünster (Klouschtergaart), located at the foot of the Bock.
In 2004, as part of its partnership with the Landesgartenschau in Trier, the Ville de Luxembourg rehabilitated these terraced gardens and re-cultivated vines and medicinal plants, alongside the vegetable crops that had always been exploited there. In the vineyard with an area of about 4 ares, Luxembourg vines (Elbling, Rivaner, Pinot, mixed…) are grown according to traditional methods, i.e. each vine is grown individually.
The harvest of the Klouschtergaart, some 260 kg of grapes, will allow the production of about 200 litres of wine. The wine of the Klouschtergaart, which is not intended for sale, is served at Luxembourg City receptions or offered as a gift on official visits to the City Hall.