Martine Hansen, Luxembourg's Minister of Agriculture, Food and Viticulture; Credit: European Union

On Monday 23 September 2024, Luxembourg's Minister of Agriculture, Food and Viticulture, Martine Hansen, took part in the EU Agriculture and Fisheries Council in Brussels, Belgium.

As reported by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Viticulture, this meeting provided an opportunity to discuss crucial topics for the future of European agriculture, including the Strohschneider report and the priorities of the next Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

Minister Hansen expressed her satisfaction that the strategic dialogue had enabled the European Commission to renew contact with agricultural organisations, which had been lost in recent years. "This contact had indeed been broken in recent years, which ultimately led to the farmers' protests at the beginning of the year," she stressed.

The minister recalled that this is a first reflection by the Commission and that it will not prejudge the future direction of the CAP. She also mentioned positive aspects of the report, such as the challenge of ensuring the food supply of the European Union in the years to come. In this context, she stressed that the CAP must ensure that food production remains economically more profitable than the mere provision of ecosystem services.

Other topics discussed during the Council included:

- De minimis aid: Minister Hansen expressed her support for an increase in the individual ceiling for de minimis aid to €50,000, with a proportional increase in the national ceilings. "De minimis aid is a powerful tool to support businesses affected by crises, and the current ceiling is no longer sufficient following the period of high inflation we have experienced," she said.

- Market situation: Minister Hansen stressed that high production costs continue to weigh heavily on farmers' incomes, particularly in the crop production sectors, which have been affected by difficult weather conditions this year. As regards animal production, the situation is fairly stable on the markets, but, as in other countries, Luxembourg is heavily affected by bluetongue. The minister also stressed the importance of encouraging risk prevention and mutualisation measures in crisis management, while stressing that the agricultural reserve must be a support instrument in the face of market crises at EU level.

- Implementation of CAP strategic plans: Minister Hansen reiterated the importance of simplifying CAP procedures for Member States, particularly smaller ones, in order to reduce the administrative burden on farmers. "The strategic plans must regain their character as a strategic document. Currently, they are overloaded and too detailed," she stressed.