"Mamie Lou" VR / XR work; Credit: Skill Lab / Film Fund Luxembourg

Film Fund Luxembourg has reported that the Grand Duchy will be in the spotlight at the 81st Venice International Film Festival.

The film festival is taking place in Venice, Italy from 28 August to 7 September 2024, as part of the Venice Biennale contemporary art exhibition. 

Luxembourg will be particularly present at the Venice Production Bridge, where it will share a joint focus with French-speaking Belgium (Wallonia-Brussels) under the name "The Centre of Attraction".

As Film Fund Luxembourg explained, the Venice Production Bridge is the film market of the Venice International Film Festival; it will take place from 29 August to 3 September 2024. It was created to promote networking, financing and co-production opportunities in the international film industry. A delegation of professionals from the audiovisual production sector will represent Film Fund Luxembourg at this event, accompanied by promotional stands dedicated to classic and innovative projects.

The Grand Duke and Grand Duchess of Luxembourg will also be in attendance, providing their support to Luxembourg's creators, artists and other professionals. They will be accompanied by Luxembourg's Minister for Culture, Eric Thill, who is expected to highlight the importance and high quality of the Luxembourg artistic scene, while strengthening international cultural ties.

In order to showcase the dynamism and creativity of Luxembourg, the visit includes meetings with representatives of cultural institutions, a visit to the film market, panels dedicated to classic cinema and immersive works, as well as the viewing of Luxembourg XR creations selected in competition at the festival, added Film Fund Luxembourg.

A total of six Luxembourg (co-)productions have been selected for the Venice International Film Festival.

These include the documentary Youth (Homecoming) by Chinese director Wang Bing, co-produced by Luxembourg's Les Films Fauves (feature film in official competition), as well as five works in the "XR Immersive" section (Ceci est mon cœur; Oto's Planet; Mamie Lou; Ito Meikyu; Champ de Bataille). Further details here.