Jean Asselborn, Luxembourg's Minister of Foreign and European Affairs; Credit: © SIP / Yves Kortum

On Friday 13 October 2023, Luxembourg's Minister of Foreign and European Affairs, Jean Asselborn, issued a statement regarding the current situation in Israel and Palestine.

This official statement follows the attacks of the Hamas militant group, which controls the Gaza Strip, launched on Saturday 7 October 2023 and continued violence in the region.

Minister Asselborn reiterated his condemnation "in the strongest possible terms" of "the barbaric terrorist attacks and atrocities" carried out recently by Hamas militants "against countless innocent civilians in Israel".

Minister Asselborn added that he supports the stance of UN Secretary-General António Guterres, who said on Monday 9 October 2023 that "nothing can justify these acts of terror and the killing, maiming and abduction of civilians."

Luxembourg's Foreign Minister reaffirmed his belief that Israel has a "right to defend itself" and called for the "immediate and unconditional" release of all hostages.

He also called for "de-escalation and a cessation of hostilities". He added that he shared Secretary-General Guterres' concerns over Israel's announcement of a "complete siege" of the Gaza Strip, with no electricity, fuel, water or food for 2.3 million civilians.

Similarly, Minister Asselborn described Israel's orders that 1.1 million people in Northern Gaza evacuate to the south within 24 hours as "deeply troubling". The United Nations has warned that such a relocation could not take place without "devastating humanitarian consequences". Minister Asselborn joined the UN in appealing for any such order to be revoked.

Moreover, Luxembourg's Foreign Minister has urged Israel to "act in full compliance with international law" and to ensure the protection of civilians. "The civilian population in Gaza is not Hamas and it cannot be held responsible and punished collectively for the horrors committed by the latter," he stressed.

Minister Asselborn acknowledged the importance of ensuring that no EU funding is diverted to Hamas, but also stressed the need to maintain "vital humanitarian assistance" for Palestinians. An estimated 220,000 Palestinians have taken refuge in 92 facilities operated by the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) across Gaza, "in very dire conditions". He added that neither UN premises nor hospitals, schools or clinics should be targeted.

Luxembourg's Foreign Minister also shared the UN's concern that the conflict could become a "regional conflagration" and stressed the need to prevent a spillover of the conflict.

He reiterated that these "dramatic" recent events highlight the "urgency of finding a political settlement" to the decades-long conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. The only "viable" way to reach this goal, he said, was a "comprehensive, just and lasting peace" based on the two-state solution within the pre-1967 borders, "with two democratic states living side by side, while maintaining the status quo on the holy sites of Jerusalem."

Minister Asselborn concluded by reiterating his commitment to "a peaceful resolution of this conflict that safeguards Israel's right to security, while respecting the Palestinians' right to self-determination". He added: "Only a meaningful political process can bring an end to this devastating cycle of violence and senseless loss of life."