Local/municipal elections will be held across Luxembourg this weekend on Sunday 8 October 2017 and to gain a little more insight and understanding of some candidates running, Chronicle.lu is conducting a mini-series of feature articles. Each feature will focus on one candidate and help the international community uncover the true essence of those behind the flyer.
Fifth in the mini-series is Patrizia Luchetta, a candidate standing for the LSAP party in Luxembourg City.
Q1: Why are you standing for election in the municipal / local elections?
Personal involvement is key if you really want to bring about changes, to improve the quality of life in your municipality. I have been active for a very long time in different non-profits and I feel that local politics is the next natural step – by the way I already ran for office in the City of Luxembourg in 1999, before moving to the US for a little while.
Q2: Which party are you a candidate with and what does your party stand for?
I am a candidate for the LSAP. If I had to express what my party stands for in one word, this would “inclusion”. The LSAP stands for municipalities that offer an interesting, secure and welcoming environment for both young and less young; and for both Luxembourgers and non-Luxembourgers
Q3: Why are you standing with this party?
I have been a member of the LSAP since the 90s because I believe that the party’s line offers the right balance between opportunities for economic development, for the business community to strive and the needed redistribution of wealth respectively the provision of help for individuals that are less fortunate or that are facing specific challenges. Because at the end of the day a society based on inequality is not sustainable.
Q4: What are the main political issues facing your municipality?
In my view we have a serious problem with mobility. And yes I know that soon the tram will be circulating and hopefully bring some relief. But what many have forgotten, or don’t know because they didn’t yet live in Luxembourg at the time, is that in 1999 the LSAP – together with its coalition partner – was already about to implement a tramways project. Everything had been planned, and then dismantled by the subsequent Government. Mobility also requires working with the neighboring municipalities to contain road traffic. And last but not least, more safety for both bicycle riders and pedestrians. A second major issue is the sky rocketing prices of real estate. It has become almost impossible to pay rent in the city, whether you are a private person or a shopkeeper. As a result the city is losing inhabitants and becoming less attractive.
Q5: What local issues are you campaigning for?
My personal interest lies in the support of cultural activities. A city that lives, is a city that welcomes creativity in all its forms; not only mainstream, major cultural events. We need spaces where our youngsters can express their creativity; we need to support the small venues that are bringing new, talented artist to our city; we need to create bridges between cultural actors and inhabitants. We need to make culture accessible to the less privileged. Art is a language that is understood across borders.
Q6: Will you be aiming to represent the international community in your municipality?
For sure. My parents are Italian; my son is half American; I have lived in four different countries and travelled in many more; and I could not tell you how many nationalities are represented among my circle of friends here in Luxembourg. Internationality is a way of living. And what I like here in Luxembourg is that this country – and more particularly Luxembourg city – allows you to be “international”, to be you.
Q7: How do you hope to make a difference?
Well I am a very stubborn person… which means when I set my mind to something I won’t let it go so easily… and if you really want to change things you need to be in it for the long run.
Q8: Why should people vote for you?
My message to the voters is to vote for the LSAP list, because it is the combination of the different skills, talents and personalities we have on the list that makes our party strong