
Luxembourg companies will open their doors to the general public for a behind-the-scenes visit as part of the sixteenth edition of the Luxembourg Open Days (Journées Portes Ouvertes), set for the weekend of Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 September 2022.

Organised by communications agency brain&more and placed under the patronage of the Ministry of the Economy, the Open Days allow each year to (re)discover the talents and Luxembourg companies, drivers of the national economy.

Each year, the Open Days, accessible to craftsmen, companies and industrial companies, municipalities and organisations in the Grand Duchy, constitute the major event of the start of the school year.

This event allow the ever-growing and interested public (nearly 295,400 visitors over fifteen editions) to discover the expertise, know-how, high quality of services and sense of innovation of participating companies. This impact on the public is essential since this sixteenth edition of the Open Days is a continuation of several difficult years for all sectors of activity. Welcoming, interesting and raising awareness of an ever-wider audience made up of as many potential customers is an essential prospect.

This edition is an opportunity for visitors to enter and discover behind the scenes of the most dynamic players in the national economy. The general public will have a broad overview of the entrepreneurial and economic fabric of the country made up of numerous professions and trades in diversified sectors of activity: crafts, agri-food, health, public administrations, social institutions, automotive, catering, media, etc.

For participating companies, Open Days are an original and dynamic way to celebrate a company anniversary, to inaugurate new premises, to unveil innovations, to launch a new product on the market and so on, and to improve the visibility of the company and its level of expertise, to better position its brand image, to intensify its presence on the market, to strengthen or establish new contacts with potential customers, suppliers and partners, but also meet potential new competent and motivated collaborators.

Interested companies can contact the organisers online via:

Further information is available at:

Venue: see above

Organiser: brain&more

Price: n/a

Reservations: see above