Come to Lux will be hosting a Russian Party on Thursday 14 November 2019 at DS Store Luxembourg from 19:00.
This private event offers guests the chance to discover Russian gastronomy and various surprises. During this party, under the theme of Slavic charm and spirit, guests will also have the opportunity to exchange with newly arrived residents of Luxembourg, cross-border workers and other international communities with an interest in art, cars, fashion, culture and gastronomy.
Places are limited and registration is required. The event costs €60 to be transferred to the bank account of JR LUX IBAN LU04 0030 5430 2553 0000 (BIC Code: BGLLLULL).
Venue: DS Store (5 Rue Robert Stumper, 2557 Luxembourg)
Organiser: Come to Lux
Price: See above
Reservations: See above