The Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg will hold a conference on “diversity management in a digital era" and the official signing session of the charter on 17 May 2018 at BGL BNP Paribas (50, avenue J.F.Kennedy, L-2951 Luxembourg) at 18:00.
During a festive ceremony closing to this year’s Diversity Day, the new signatories of the Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg will be honoured in the presence of the Minister for Family and Integration and Patron of the Diversity Charter, Corinne Cahen.
Michael Stuber, an international diversity management expert, will then give a keynote speech, addressing the impact of digitalisation on diversity management as we live in a digital era, for instance, what are the risks and the opportunities? Is digitalisation a guarantee for diversity? Does it solve the challenges linked to talent attraction and retention? What is the link between these two megatrends and how do we manage the dynamics and effects that are created by digitalisation and diversity management?
Those wishing to sign the Charter can still do so before the official signing session on 17 May. By signing the Charter, individuals can show your commitment in favour of diversity promotion and management. They will also have access to a practical guide and a training on diversity management, as well as exchanges between signatories of the Charter and experts on the different diversity-related topics.
Registration is obligatory and more information is available online at http://www.chartediversite.lu/en/conferences/diversity-management-digital-era-official-signing-session.
The event will take place in English.
Venue: BGL BNP Paribas (50, avenue J.F.Kennedy, L-2951 Luxembourg) at 18:00
Organiser: Diversity Charter Lëtzebuerg
Price: n/a
Reservations: http://www.chartediversite.lu/en/conferences/diversity-management-digital-era-official-signing-session