Details: The Indian Association Luxembourg will hold its Silver Jubilee official celebration on 26 October 2016 from 18:30 to 22:00 at the Cercle Cité in Luxembourg city centre.
The Indian Association Luxembourg was founded by 12 friends of Indian origin, all long-term residents of Luxembourg, on 14 April 1991.
A cultural show (Dance) is scheduled at the start of the event, directed and coordinated by Ms Smriti Vijay GOYAL. The MC for the evening will be Ms Anju RAIZADA
18:30 Arrival of Guests
19:00 – 19:30 Cultural Show including Invocation (Ms Sunita TRIVEDI & CO / Ms Smriti GOYAL & CO)
19:30 – 19:35 Welcome Address by Shri Selvaraj Alagumalai (Selva), President of IAL
19:35 – 20:00 25 years of the journey of IAL (1991 onwards by Past IAL Presidents):
-Shri Ali Asghar Sherwani
-Shri Sudhir Kohli
-Shri Ambi Venkataraman ( HCG of India to Luxembourg)
20:00-20:10 H. E. Mr. Manjeev Singh PURI Ambassador of India to Belgium, Luxembourg and the EU
20:10-20:30 H.E. Mr. Xavier BETTEL Address by Hon’ble Prime Minister of Luxembourg
20:40-20:45 Honouring the Founders and past Presidents, by H.E. Mr. Xavier BETTEL
20:45-20:50 Vote of Thanks & Concluding Remarks by the President of IAL with National Anthem both Luxembourg & India
20:50-22:00 Cocktail (soft Drinks) & Finger Food - Sponsored by Mr and Mrs Raju SATI (Restaurant New Delhi)
Venue: Cercle Cité in Luxembourg city centre
Organiser: Indian Association Luxembourg
Price: Attendance free-of-charge on a first-come, first-served basis.
Reservations: Reservations to attend by email: consular@indialux.eu, tel: 661-306094
Price: 0
Reservations: 0