A Deeptech Ventures summit is set to take place on Thursday 19 and Friday 20 September 2024 in Esch-Belval and Foetz.
The first day taking place at ARHs Belval will include opening speeches by special guest Lex Delles, Luxembourg’s Minister of the Economy, Energy and Tourism as well as by Olivier Zéphir, Head of BD and Innovation and by Diego De Biasio, CEO of Technoport. The first session will discuss “An integrated deep tech venture ecosystem”, namely a talk on the key factors for an integrated deep tech entrepreneurship ecosystem including combining advanced technical capabilities, talent pools and robust financing mechanisms to foster progress and innovation in cutting-edge technology fields. A second session will thematise “Deep tech venture building models”, thematising relevant and critical ingredients of models tested over the last decade, as well as best practices and lessons learned from foreign ecosystems. Further sessions on the first day will include “Funding landscape for deep tech entrepreneurship - From lab to market”, “AI and quantum, deep tech enablers for deep tech ventures (Robotics, Health, Space…)”, “Intellectual property (IP) – A key enabler of deep tech venturing” and “Funding landscape for deep tech entrepreneurship – After lab to market” followed by a session on skills for venture strategy and a closing roundtable.
On the evening of the first day, a Technoport Cosmic Party is set to take place from 18:00 to 23:00, for networking within the deep tech community. The event aims to bring together experts from fundamental and applied research, government innovation support and funding sectors to enjoy a variety of foods and beverages.
The second day of the summit will take place at Technoport Foetz. This Deep Tech Ventures Demo Day 2024 will showcase the innovation and dynamism of the Luxembourgish technological scene. A diverse array of prototypes and technological advancements offered by local corporates, startups and public research centres, representing the best of their progress in various fields will be available for exploration.
Tickets cost between €100 and €300 and are available at the following website: https://www.eventbrite.be/e/deeptech-ventures-registration-884196765327?aff=DeeptechVentures.
Venue: ARHs Cube, 13 Boulevard Du Jazz L-4370 Esch-Belval; Technoport, 20 Rue du Commerce, L-3895 Foetz
Organiser: Deeptech Ventures & Technoport
Price: €100 - €300
Reservations: See above
URL: For details, see https://www.eventbrite.be/e/deeptech-ventures-registration-884196765327?aff=DeeptechVentures