The Ville de Dudelange is organising its second "Dog Swimming Day" at the outdoor swimming pool in Dudelange (2 rue René Hartmann) on Sunday 15 September 2024.
On that day, one's four-legged friends are invited to come and dive, splash around and let off steam in the large outdoor swimming pool.
The organisers have stated that, in order for dogs and their owners to fully enjoy their stay at the pool, certain rules must be followed.
• Mutual respect: follow the rules and remove droppings immediately.
• Dogs must be supervised by their handler throughout their stay at the pool. Do not let visitors or another dog feel bothered or harassed by your dog's behaviour — call them back in time.
• Do not lure dogs into the water with treats. They have to decide for themselves whether they want to go into the water or not.
• Do not allow dogs to enter the water with a full stomach...
• For safety reasons, dogs must wear a collar or harness at all times. Mandatory wearing of a leash outside the pool; leashes are prohibited in the pool.
• Visitors to the event enter the site at their own risk. The dog owner is responsible for any damage caused by the owner/dog.
Further details will follow...
Venue: 2 rue René Hartmann, Dudelange
Organiser: Ville de Dudelange
Price: TBC
Reservations: TBC
URL: For details, see https://www.dudelange.lu/index.php/evenement/muppeschwammen-2/