The 48-hour Urban Agriculture festival will return for the second consecutive year to Luxembourg, from 24 to 26 May 2024.
Initiated nine years ago by the French Association of Professional Urban Agriculture (AFAUP), the 48-hour festival is the flagship event for the actors and actresses of urban agriculture in Europe. It is organised each year in 33 cities in Europe to highlight the work of urban gardeners and farmers and to raise public awareness of the issues of nature in the city, responsible agriculture and sustainable food.
From Avignon to Strasbourg passing through Geneva and Luxembourg, for a weekend, from 24 to 26 May 2024, the public will be able to discover or rediscover urban agriculture through a rich and varied range of activities, such as discovery workshops, visits, screening-debates, conferences, round tables, festive moments and more.
The urban agriculture festival is:
- three days of festivities;
- 33 participating cities in France, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Belgium;
- 40,000 participants expected;
- 1200 events planned
In Luxembourg, the public will be able, among other things, to learn how to build habitats for pollinators, visit urban gardens, or participate in the Food Fresco, an educational workshop designed to help participants adopt a more sustainable approach to food. The festival is participatory, any person or organisation wishing to present a project or initiative related to urban agriculture can do so by registering at the following link:
The full programme will be made available soon at and
Venue: Multiple
Organiser: Les48; CELL
Price: N/a
Reservations: N/a
URL: For details, see See above