The Luxembourg-based, independent association Solidaritéit mat den Heescherten - Solidarité avec les mendiant.e.s (solidarity with beggars) has announced it is organising a chain of light in solidarity with beggars on Candlemas, Friday 2 February 2024 at 17:00 in Place Guillaume II in Luxembourg-Ville.
According to the association, the chain of light calls for solidarity with beggars and respect for the rule of law, protesting against the ban on begging. The single file (carrying glow sticks, candles, lanterns or any other light sources) will reach the Ministry of Home Affairs on Rue Beaumont in Luxembourg-Ville singing the "Heeschelidd" (a modified version of the traditional "Léiwer Herrgottsblieschen" with lyrics by Serge Tonnar).
This action has support from Passerell, Luxembourg’s Consultative Commission on Human Rights (CCDH), Fokus, the Greens (Déi Gréng), LCGB, the Left (Déi Lénk) the Luxembourg Socialist Workers’ Party (LSAP), Médecins du Monde, OGBL, the Pirate Party (Piraten) and Stëmm vun der Strooss.
The action demands the withdrawal of the ban on begging and the government's commitment to “better combat the causes of begging, which are poverty and social exclusion, which threaten all those who do not obey the obligation of success and performance”.
Venue: Place Guillaume II (1648 Luxembourg)
Organiser: Solidaritéit mat den Heescherten - Solidarité avec les mendiant.e.s
Price: N/a
Reservations: N/a