The Berliner Grundtheater (BGT), founded in Berlin in 1991 and now based permanently in Luxembourg, is putting on a production of "Daisy Pulls It Off" at the Abbaye de Neumunster in Luxembourg-Grund from Wednesday 13 to Saturday 16 March 2024, by arrangement with Concord Theatricals Ltd., on behalf of Samuel French Ltd.
A comedy adventure by Denise Deegan, there will be four performances of "Daisy Pulls It Off", each evening at 19:30 in the Salle Robert Krieps.
A huge hit in London’s west-end in the 1980s, “Daisy Pulls It Off” is a comic parody of the popular girls' school adventure stories of the 1930s (especially Enid Blyton’s “Mallory Towers” series), while simultaneously poking fun at the ridiculous pomposity of traditional “British” attitudes at that time.
Daisy Merdith, a poor elementary school girl, wins a scholarship to the elite “Grangewood School for Girls”. She proves talented, dedicated, popular and adventurous. But the vain and elitist Sybil Burlington and her sidekick Monica Smithers dislike her intensely. They fear that having a “common” scholarship girl at the school will ruin the reputation of the school … and they plan to get rid of her. Meanwhile, the school faces bigger problems. The Beaumont family, who own the building, are facing financial ruin. Their only chance would be to find the legendary lost “Beaumont Treasure”. Daisy and her friend Trixie vow to find the treasure and to save the school – but soon become aware that the mysterious music teacher is also searching for it. What is she planning? And what secret is the reclusive groundsman Mr Thmposon hiding. Whatever is going on, it certainly can’t be good! Can Daisy find the treasure before anyone else gets to it? Can she escape the evil plots of Sybil and Monica? Can she survive a dangerous cliff-top rescue? And most importantly, can she help Grangewood to win the hockey championship for the first time?
Tickets cost €20 (students €12) from https://neimenster.lu or tel: 262052-1.
Venue: Abbaye de Neumunster in Luxembourg-Grund
Organiser: BGT, see above
Price: See above
Reservations: See above