The Relais Pour La Vie (relay for life) fundraising event will take place at the Coque sports centre in Luxembourg-Kirchberg on Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 March 2024.
A maximum of 300 teams (each with 24-48 members paying €15 each to register) can take part at the Coque, walking and running over a 24-hour period.
Participants can also take part in "connected" format, i.e. by walking, running or cycling when they want in the location of their choice. Each team (unlimited number of members) must accumulate a total of 24 hours.
Registrations open on 21 and 28 November 2023.
Venue: National Sports and Culture Centre d'Coque (2 Rue Léon Hengen, L-1745 Luxembourg)
Organiser: Fondation Cancer
Price: €15 per team member
Reservations: See website
URL: For details, see https://www.relaispourlavie.lu/