The Nature Park Our (Naturpark Our) is hosting its first Regional Climate Forum at the Cube 521 cultural centre (1 Driicht, L-9764 Marnach) on Saturday 22 October 2022 from 10:00 to 18:00.
As part of a regional collaboration, the municipalities of the Nature Park Our have drawn up a regional climate protection strategy 2030+ adapted to current requirements and lasting until 2050. According to the nature park, this strategy is based on concrete measures that will be developed, clarified and continuously optimised in the municipalities as part of the climate pact management process.
The Nature Park Our aims to encourage this process with the first edition of the Regional Climate Forum, which is open to all individuals, companies and organisations, politicians and other interest groups from the nature park region.
Themes clearly linked to the regional strategy to combat climate change will be presented and discussed. The forum offers a participatory programme with workshops, conferences, round tables and other possibilities to exchange with each another. As part of the forum, visitors can share their concrete ideas and comments.
Participation in the climate forum is free. For organisational reasons, however, registration is required.
The full programme and registration details are available online at: Note that the programme will be in Luxembourgish with the possibility of translation into French and/or English.
Venue: Cube 521 (1 Driicht, L-9764 Marnach)
Organiser: Naturpark Our
Price: Free
Reservations: See website
URL: For details, see