
The second edition of the Luxembourg Blockchain Week, organised by the Luxembourg Blockchain Lab, will take place in person at d'Coque in Luxembourg-Kirchberg from Monday 3 to Friday 7 October 2022.

The Luxembourg Blockchain Week 2022 is a uniquely designed one-week programme open to the public, dedicated to concrete applications of blockchain applied to various sectors key to Luxembourg and Europe. Bringing together top thought leaders and pioneers in the technology related to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) topics, finance and more, to share their stories and insights, the event aimes to create a nurturing space for all to learn, network and collaborate.

This action-packed event will feature various keynotes, discussions, crash courses, pitches, masterclasses and workshops, as well as networking opportunities for blockchain enthusiasts. It will provide a unique oversight on the possibilities of the blockchain and distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) and what could be the impact for the public and industries.

This year's Luxembourg Blockchain Week will start on Monday 3 October 2022 with a pre-event, in the form of crash courses, to provide knowledge around the event's hot topics. These crash courses aim to give participants the keys to fully grasp the power of the solutions presented. The inauguration of the Luxembourg Blockchain Week
will feature keynotes and an exclusive VIP Dinner at the soon to be inaugurated SixSeven restaurant, nestled on the top floor of the Royal Hamilius building in Luxembourg-Ville.

On Tuesday 4 October 2022, the sixth edition of the Infrachain Summit will take place. The focus will be on operational blockchain use cases in decentralised identities, verifiable credentials, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and the metaverse / Web 3.0. Luxembourg's Prime Minister and Minister for Digitalisation, Xavier Bettel, and the founder of Blockchain Israel, Yael Rozencwajg, will give keynote speeches. Tickets are available on

Wednesday 5 October 2022 will mark the launch edition of the Luxembourg Blockchain Lab Day with a focus on the use of blockchain and DLT to help in the realisation of the SDGs, sustainability and social impact. The conference will bring together experts from Blockchain Israel, Luxembourg Sustainable Finance Institute, Moniflo, UNICEF Luxembourg, the EBSILUX Project and others, who will share their innovative solutions through a masterclass, presentations, discussions, demonstrations and a pitch track.

The morning of day four, on Thursday 6 October 2022, will be dedicated to art and culture with a presentation of Rubey and a discussion around the unlocked opportunities to invest in art. The afternoon will centre around finance with events in collaboration with the Luxembourg House of Financial Technology (LHoFT) and Société Générale.

The Luxembourg Blockchain Week will close on Friday 7 October 2022 with more side events to be announced and notably a brunch around compliance in the field of digital assets organised by Lëtzblock.

Weekly and daily tickets, as well as tickets for the VIP dinner are available on

Venue: D'Coque (2 Rue Léon Hengen, 1745 Luxembourg)

Organiser: Luxembourg Blockchain Lab

Price: See website

Reservations: See website

URL: For details, see