The Upper Sûre Nature Park is organising its traditional water festival under a new concept on Monday 9 May 2022.
Unlike in previous years, when the water festival took place on one site, this year's event will be spread across all the member municipalities of the Upper Sûre Nature Park, as well as the municipality of Goesdorf (candidate for membership). Various water-themed activities are planned for all ages. Food and drinks are available at three locations: at the Maison du Parc in in Esch-sur-Sûre, in Bavigne and in Boulaide in front of the town hall.
On this occasion, the Upper Sûre Nature Park plans to promote public transport and is deliberately emphasising the 690 "Stauséi-Navette" bus line, which runs all year round at an hourly rate in both directions around the Upper Sûre lake. The "Stauséi-Navette" allows visitors to easily reach all the villages around the lake and thus participate in activities or start hiking on marked trails.
In Esch-sur-Sûre, next to the old drapery, the H2Only bar will offer water tastings and a water show. This is also the starting point for the water festival safari.
In Bavigne, visitors can build rafts, with the traditional water festival raft race taking place on site. Time is measured on a set course to later determine the winners. Children can also explore a stream and complete challenges.
The project "D'Naturparken zu Lëtzebuerg - (een) Insekteräich" (nature parks in Luxembourg - an insect kingdom) is represented in Boulaide, where additionally craft workshops on the subject of aquatic insects are being organised. It is also the starting point for a guided tour of a SIDEN pumping station.
Other places will allow visitors to discover the Upper Sûre lake from a new angle: in Lultzhausen, visitors can learn interesting things about the lake during a guided canoe trip. They can also leave from Insenborn for a solar boat tour.
Moreover, there are activities that are not accessible with the "Stauséi-Navette", but which can be reached with other bus lines. For instance, in Wiltz, a guided walk is being organised on the theme "Drinking water and epidemics in the 19th century". In Goesdorf, visitors can learn all about the antimony mine on a guided hike. In Schleif, the "Téi vum Séi" tea factory will open its doors for a guided tour.
All the activities and guided hikes offered on 9 May as part of the water festival are free. For some activities, registration is desired or necessary. The detailed programme is available on https://www.naturpark-sure.lu/event/waasserfest-2/
Venue: Various (see above)
Organiser: Upper Sûre Nature Park
Price: Free
Reservations: See above
URL: For details, see https://www.naturpark-sure.lu/event/waasserfest-2/