
On Tuesday 8 March 2022, PwC Luxembourg and the American Chamber of Commerce in Luxembourg (AMCHAM), together with the Luxembourg American Chamber of Commerce New York, will host their fifth consecutive International Women’s Day event.

This year's digital event will focus on the topic #BreakTheBias and will feature prominent leaders from different sectors to discuss what they are doing in this area and what their priorities are.

Questions to be addressed include:

  • When you hear the word bias, what is the first thought that pops into your mind? How would you define it? Which bias comes to your mind? Which bias do you anticipate in your profession? How can you detect them?
  • Which bias do you consider is a priority to tackle in the workplace and why (in terms of impact on the organisation, its attractiveness and ability to retain talents)?
  • If budget and time were not a constraint, which policy, initiative or best practices would you like to design and implement? Do you already have one in place? What are the greatest challenges that you face when fighting against discrimination on the workplace?

Guiding this conversation will be Mary Carey, Senior Manager, Editorial and Press Relations at PwC Luxembourg, as a moderator of this mixed-gender panel. The panelists include: Nicole Bintner-Bakshian, Luxembourg's Ambassador in Washington; Angela Nickel, CEO and Founder of COMO; Gosia Kramer, CEO and co-founder of The Office Luxembourg.

The event will take place on Tuesday 8 March 2022 at 16:30. To register, visit:

Venue: Online

Organiser: PwC; AMCHAM

Price: n/a

Reservations: See above