According to ADEM, Luxembourg's unemployment agency, the number of resident jobseekers available for work as at 31 December 2021 stood at 16,403; over one year, this represents a decrease of 3,515 people, or 17.6%.

Compared to the previous month, there were 1,171 more resident jobseekers available at the end of December 2021.

The unemployment rate, adjusted for seasonal variations, calculated by Luxembourg's statistics agency STATEC, now stands at 5.2%, equal to the previous month and returning to pre-crisis levels.

The number of resident job seekers benefiting from full unemployment benefit fell by 2,089 or 20.2% over one year, to 8,269. The number of beneficiaries of a measure stood at 4,225 and is above the level observed in December 2020 (up 347 people, or 8.9%).

During the month of December 2021, employers declared 3,258 vacancies to ADEM. This brings the total number of positions declared in 2021 to 42,745, a new record.

The number of positions available as of 31 December 2021 stood at 10,221, an increase of 62.9% over one year.