Actors Rep has announced that it will offer a series of “Play Series” acting and voice classes during Autumn 2017, including:
-Play Series 1: Exploring through Play, the first series if classes in the “Acting Classes: The Play Series”. These are open to the non-actor and the curious, as well as beginner and experienced actors, who want to explore how ‘play’ can help them in their lives.
- Play Series 1: Exploring through Voice, a class concentrating on the speaking voice and breathing along with their relationship to the body and emotions in an exploration to find and free one’s voice. It is open to anyone who would like to explore their speaking voice.
-Play Series 2: Play in the Play, the third part of the Actors’ Lab series, this time focusing on “The Play”, that is, the theatrical play. The classes will explore and delve into scene and character work through play. These series of classes are reserved for experienced students who must submit a CV or have participated in a prior Actors’ Lab acting class.
Actors need to be in full access of childlike curiosity and an ability to play (also helpful for non-actors), to find the truth of self and eventually the characters. These classes will explore play as another way of finding truth.
The classes are taught by Associate Artistic Director Christine Probst.
The Play Series 1: Exploring through Play and Voice classes will be held at the Théâtre National du Luxembourg (TNL) Atelier space (166, avenue du X Septembre, L-1940 Luxembourg).
Play Series 1: Exploring through Play will begin on Wednesday 13 September 2017, and continue Wednesday evenings on 27 September and 4, 11, 18 and 25 October.
Voice classes will begin on Thursday 14 September, and continue Thursday evenings on 28 September and 5, 12, 19 October, as well as on Tuesday 24 October.
The Play Series 2: Play in the Play classes will be at a location to be determined, beginning Wednesday 25 October 2017, and continuing Wednesdays on 8, 22 and 29 November and 6 and 13 December.
The cost for any one class (six sessions) is €300. Any additional classes will be half the price at €150. For instance, one class: €300, two classes: €450, or all three classes (with instructor approval): €600.
Contact Actors Rep for more information and to register via email: ActorsRep.Erik@gmail.com