The outdoor fitness group BarbarianTribes sarl has announced that it is organising a new initiative, the Barbarian Sleeveless Winter Run, on Sunday 15 January 2023 in Luxembourg city centre.
The first ever winter t-shirt race is part of a process of "pushing our limits together, supporting each other and improving our well-being", values advocated by BarbarianTribes, the reference in outdoor fitness for several years in Luxembourg. It will raise awareness about the health and mental benefits of pushing one's limits together.
Organiser of group sport sessions, this Luxembourg company founded by Aurélien Konan, today has 200+ members who train all year long outdoor and in all weathers. They find the inspiration, support and motivation they need in their fitness adventure.
The 15 January initiative will start at Philharmonie at 11:00 for a 5 km run that will mix city and forest and will end in the heart of the city, on Place d'Armes. It is open to members and non-members alike, with the organisers advocating the health benefits of cold weather, whether it be to reduce stress and anxiety, gain energy or strengthen your immune system. They state "put on a good pair of shoes and socks, wear your best T-shirt or order an official T-shirt when you register and join the tribes. The only instruction: everyone in short sleeves".
To reserve your place (free-of-charge), see https://calendly.com/barbariantribes or contact Aurélien Konan by email: hellobtribes@gmail.com or tel: 691-540854.