The Luxembourg National Data Service (LNDS) has published its Annual Report, reflecting on a first operational year of significant achievements and growth, driving impact from secondary use of data.

In 2023, the LNDS gained momentum following its legal establishment in July 2022. During its inaugural year, the LNDS developed a robust portfolio of data services and essential tools. Co-created with its data partners and its diverse team of experts, LNDS launched ten data services and five software tools into production.

Bert Verdonck, CEO of LNDS, emphasised the organisation’s commitment to transparency and trust: “Our strength lies in our people—their expertise and dedication drive LNDS forward. We drive a trustable, thriving and transparent culture, as a basis to grow confidence with our data partners and in the public domain.”

The LNDS is dedicated to enhancing research, innovation and policy making by facilitating high-quality data reuse and fostering public-private collaborations. 

Romain Martin, Chairman of LNDS’ Board of Directors, commented on the organisation’s broader aspirations: “We expect LNDS to make an impact here locally in Luxembourg, for our country. In addition, we expect LNDS to participate in the international economy, supporting European data spaces and creating export opportunities for the Luxembourgish innovation and research ecosystem.”

The organisation’s progress was showcased during its launch event alongside the inaugural Data Summit Luxembourg on 4 December 2023. The second edition of the Data Summit Luxembourg is already scheduled for 11 December 2024, as LNDS continues to expand its services and support for various data projects. 

The Annual Report is accessible on the LNDS Website.