UNIK Capital, a Luxembourg-based company specialising in professional property investment, today launched its new UNIK Premium solution.

In a context of low interest rates where professional property investment faces the challenge of occupancy rates of uncertain business premises, UNIK Capital has unveiled a new solution that reverses the traditional approach of professional real estate investment.

A team of experts in property management, asset management and financial engineering helped design this brand new professional real estate investment vehicle, in line with the search for stable returns. In addition to meticulous sector selection, the solution's intellectual process is what makes it innovative and different from the traditional approach.

Sylvie Proia, Co-CEO of UNIK Capital, commented: "Rather than choosing assets and then looking for tenants, we select quality and high-potential brands to accompany them in their development throughout Europe". Indeed, the quality of the products remains essential in the UNIK Premium investments, according to Sylvie Proia: "In each target sector, we select our partner brands for their ethics, the quality of their services, their choice of location and their appetite for innovation."

Finally, Sylvie and her associates have emphasised the importance of governance: "our synergistic partnerships do not stop at the investments themselves. In our approach, compliance and risk management are unavoidable. Thus, we rely daily on the expertise of our partners management companies and custodian bank, to surround our projects with all the necessary governance "