Credit: MEGA

On Thursday 27 and Friday 28 October 2022, Luxembourg's Minister of Equality between Women and Men, Taina Bofferding, invited secondary school students to the 3rd edition of the "Rock de Rack" festival taking place at Kinépolis Kirchberg.

These awareness days aims to place young people at the centre of a highly diversified programme with educational workshops, information stands and a cultural programme. This year, the focus was on the theme of sexism.

On Thursday, more than 350 students and teachers from fourteen secondary schools took part in educational workshops organised by the University of Luxembourg, the National Research Fund, Make it asbl, the National Audiovisual Centre, the Ecole du theatre, Graffiti asbl, Scienteens Lab, the Ministry of Equality between Women and Men and LISER. The subject of equality was treated in a playful and creative way.

Thursday afternoon was marked by the screening of the film "Misbehaviour", followed by an interactive debate, the "Rock of Krees", which allowed young people to exchange with actresses and actors for gender equality in Luxembourg.

Minister Bofferding said: "Sexism is a pervasive phenomenon in our society which affects all spheres of life, starting with school, the workplace, leisure, the media or even advertising up to political and economic decision-making. Sexism runs counter to an egalitarian society because it denigrates, discriminates and categorises our society on the basis of gender stereotypes that are often very arbitrary and absurd. This is why the Rock de Rack organised this year puts particular emphasis on the fight against sexism to raise awareness among young people and to show through the various workshops - violence, science or even artificial intelligence - its character multidimensional."

The detailed programme is available on