With Luxembourg's municipal (local) elections fast approaching (Sunday 11 June 2023), Chronicle.lu reached out to various candidates with links to the international community to learn about their involvement in politics and their priorities at the local level.
All non-Luxembourgish residents over the age of eighteen could register to vote in this year's local elections, regardless of how long they have lived in the Grand Duchy. By the deadline of 17 April 2023, more than 50,000 foreign residents had registered to vote (about 20% of those eligible). Overall, 379 out of 3,847 candidates are non-Luxembourgers; note that dual Luxembourg nationals are counted as Luxembourgers in this context.
The candidates interviewed in this series of articles are mainly non-Luxembourgers or dual nationals with an international background. Chronicle.lu thus had the opportunity to speak with Tatevik Manukyan, who is standing as a candidate for Fokus in Luxembourg City.
Originally from Armenia, Tatevik Manukyan studied in Sweden before working and living in Belgium and then Luxembourg. "Love" brought her to Luxembourg, where she has lived now for almost four years. She joined Fokus when it launched in early 2022.
Chronicle.lu: Why did you decide to stand in the 2023 local elections? Is this your first time running as a candidate?
Tatevik Manukyan: It is indeed my first time running as a candidate for the elections in Luxembourg and as a member of a newly established party Fokus. This year, we are celebrating its first anniversary and it is a priviledge to be there at the founding of the party from the start and contribute to the knowledgable team of experienced politicians, engaged professionals and caring citizens. [...] It's already a year that I am engaged politically- one year of personal development and even deeper integration in Luxembourgish society through being politically engaged.
Chronicle.lu: What are your party's major issues in your constituency?
Tatevik Manukyan: There are so many topics that my party addresses in the City of Luxembourg, namely the housing issue, reducing traffic in residential areas to ensure greater safety for pedestrians and cyclists, expanding park-and-ride facilities outside these residential areas, doubling the police presence in neighbourhoods, redesigning public spaces in neighbourhoods, like the Glacis for example, to make them more pleasant and liveable.
Chronicle.lu: What specific issues are you backing/promoting?
Tatevik Manukyan: One of the specifics that I am passionate about is the societal and political engagement and inclusion. In this beautiful country where almost 50% of the population is represented by foreigners and in the City of Luxembourg where more than 70% is represented by foreign residents, it is crucial [to] campaign for their participation and engagement in social-political structures and decision-making processes.
Chronicle.lu: Have you encountered any particular challenges as a non-Luxembourger/dual national (e.g. regarding language)?
Tatevik Manukyan: I should absolutely mention that in my party, Fokus, the atmosphere for foreigners is profoundly welcoming. And someone like me, who doesn't speak fluent Luxembourgish, there was all the necessary help with translations in different languages (programme, flyers, emails) to make all the communication more accessible for me.
Chronicle.lu: Please tell us about your involvement in the international community in Luxembourg over the years.
Tatevik Manukyan: Due to my work as the Honorary Consul of Armenia in Luxembourg, I have been exposed to various political, educational [and] financial institutions in Luxembourg, as well as to different communities and social circles. I am as well a proud member of my community, the Armenian community, here in Luxembourg, which consists of engaged, hard-working and integrated members. One of the incredible characteristics of Luxembourg is that one feels so vibrant and so welcomed to socially, and why not politically, engaged and active!