On Monday 22 February 2021, Luxembourg's Prime Minister Xavier Bettel had an exchange via video conference with his Lithuanian counterpart, Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė.
The excellent bilateral relations between Lithuania and Luxembourg dominated the discussions. Prime Minister Xavier Bettel was particularly pleased with the long-standing cooperation in the field of security as well as the emerging cooperation in renewable energies, "but also in other fields, such as the space sector or telecommunications, as well as digital, where we share very similar points of view with our Lithuanian partners”.
As the year 2022 will be marked by the European capitals of culture of Kaunas and Esch-sur-Alzette, the two countries have decided to try to create as many synergies as possible in an atmosphere which (it is hoped) will no longer be dominated by the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Prime Ministers also took the opportunity to take stock of the COVID-19 situation in the Luxembourg and Lithuania and, more generally, in the European Union (EU).
Lithuania's Prime Minister thanked Luxembourg for providing two Cargolux charter flights from Zhengzhou to Vilnius in April 2020, thus enabling the delivery of 110 tonnes of medical equipment for the benefit of the Lithuanian population.
The two Prime Ministers also discussed the situation in Belarus and condemned acts of violence against demonstrators and members of the political opposition.
Finally, they discussed cooperation between the Baltic States and the Benelux countries; strengthening this cooperation is a priority for the Benelux.