The Government Information and Press Service (SIP) has announced that the DP, LSAP and Dei Greng political parties have reached agreement on forming a new coalition government.

The coalition partners have published a 246-page Programme of Government which was signed today by the "formateur" Xavier Bettel and the delegation leaders, Corinne Cahen (DP), Étienne Schneider (LSAP), and Felix Braz (Dei Greng).

The Programme of Government covers a total of 35 separate areas, as follows: State and Institutions; Media; Digital and Digitalisation; Administrative reform and simplification; Justice; Public function; Housing; Municipalities; Mobility; Family and Social; Integration; Volunteering; Education, Childhood and Youth; Higher Education and Research; Sports; Culture; Health; Social Security; Equality between women and men; Public Finance, Taxation and Development of the Financial Centre; Economy and Competitiveness; Tourism; Social and Solidarity Economy; Work and Employment; Public Works; Territory Development; Sustainable Development, Climate and Resource Protection; Energy; Agriculture; Consumer Protection; Internal Security; International and cross-border politics, Europe; Development cooperation and humanitarian action; Defence; Immigration.

The following is a summary of the document:

"The Government will continue to build the future of Luxembourg with ambition and in the general interest, in a fair way and at the forefront of ecological challenges. The promotion of our common values, a spirit of innovation, an approach of inclusion as well as a resolutely European approach will be at the base of a harmonious development of the country and the Greater Region.
These principles and values ​​will guide government action at the centre of which is a policy of social cohesion and the promotion of an inclusive and welcoming society that supports equity, individual freedom and mutual respect. The Government is aware of the role that the State must play in order for these values ​​to be translated into reality.
The Government will pursue a responsible, sustainable and innovative financial policy. It is on the basis of sound public finances which respect the Stability and Growth Pact of the European Union and even more ambitious in terms of indebtedness that our country can guarantee in the medium and long term the maintenance of a system of transfers. which is one of the most successful in the world.

The Government will maintain an attractive economic environment, including through a competitive economic and fiscal framework and a high level of investment in the country's infrastructure. It will foster initiative and pursue efforts to diversify the financial center and the economy for companies from leading sectors.

The Government will respond to the challenges of dynamic economic development in line with respect for ecological limits and social equity. To achieve this, we need to reinforce the spirit of innovation and confidence in the skills and creativity of every citizen. The government will guarantee the protection of individual freedom and the fulfillment of every individual from an early age. In this sense, the success of our society will also depend on the degree to which it succeeds in including its most vulnerable members and in respecting the rights of minorities.

Social justice and cohesion will continue to be a guiding thread of government action. The Government will strive to implement an ambitious social policy aimed at reducing the widening income gap, strengthen the fight against poverty and exclusion and paying particular attention to wage structure and a fair tax policy.

The Government will also strengthen social cohesion through the active inclusion of the largest number of our citizens. Citizen participation will be encouraged to allow the participation of all components of our society in the national project and to strengthen the fight against the democratic deficit. It will also include the actors of civil society and research in developing responses to societal challenges. The political orientations and their implementation will be decided in a responsible manner and according to the precautionary principle in order to preserve the rights of future generations.
Integration and socio-cultural inclusion will be at the heart of government action. The Government will increase its efforts towards a harmonious living together of the different components of our society through an integration and inclusion policy. It will promote cultural diversity as well as our heritage and our traditions which are all elements of our identity.
The reconciliation of private life with professional life will remain a priority ambition of the Government, which will respond to the need for flexibility of families and businesses through an ambitious policy at the levels of work organisation, social transfers and tax policy.
The school of tomorrow will encourage the talents and initiative of young people, contribute to their personal and professional development and offer training in line with the needs of the economic, social and cultural world.
The Government sees digitalisation as an opportunity to seize more. It has the ambition to make Luxembourg a model country in this area. The milestones are set to allow our country to distinguish itself by a proactive approach, accompanying and promoting the digitisation of its society where it is necessary.
The profound changes caused by digitalisation, as well as by climate change and demographic aging, will be accompanied by a proactive policy that places people at the centre of their concerns in the general interest.
These principles and values ​​of solidarity and innovation will also be reflected in the pro-European and progressive commitment at the international level. At the European and international level, the Government will continue to defend an international order based on strong international rules and institutions, with the United Nations at its centre. It will participate in the efforts to maintain and shape this order and will continue to show solidarity in the respect of the international objectives to which Luxembourg has subscribed. The European Union represents and will continue to be the best guarantor of the stability and prosperity of Luxembourg in a world in constant evolution.

The government ministers will be unveiled on Wednesday afternoon at the premises of the Ministry of Culture.